Here are a whole load of cool names for cats starting with the letter C.
Cabbage | Celeste | Claude |
Cabby | Cha-Cha | Claudette |
Cadbury | Chad | Clawed |
Caddie | Chalky | Clay |
Caesar | Champagne | Cleo |
Cagney | Chantelle | Cleopatra |
Caitlin | Chaos | Cleopatrick |
Cajun | Charcoal | Cliff |
Calamity | Charlee | Clifford |
Caleb | Charley | Cliffy |
Caligula | Chatty | Cloudy |
Calley | Checkers | Clouseau |
Callie | Cheesecake | Clover |
Calvin | Cheesy | Clyde |
Calypso | Cheetah | Coal |
Cameo | Chelsea | Coaldust |
Cameron | Cherry | Coco |
Cammie | Cherub | Cocoa |
Candy | Cheshire | Coconut |
Candybar | Chevy | Cody |
Candycane | Chewie | Coffee |
Candyfloss | Chewy | Cognac |
Capone | Chi | Cola |
Cappuccino | Chickpea | Colin |
Caprice | Chicky | Colly |
Captain | Chiclet | Confucius |
Captain Jack | Chili | Cookie |
Captainhook | Chilly | Coolio |
Caramel | Chillywilly | Copper |
Caribou | Chimchim | Copycat |
Carla | China | Coral |
Carlos | Chip | Cordelia |
Carly | Chipmunk | Corky |
Carol | Chippy | Cornelius |
Caroline | Chiquitita | Cotton |
Carolyn | Chitchat | Cougar |
Carrots | Chloe | Countess |
Casanova | Choccy | Courtney |
Casey | Chocolate | Cousteau |
Cashew | Chocolatechip | Cowboy |
Cashmere | Choochoo | Coyote |
Caspar | Chopsticks | Crackers |
Cassandra | Christmas | Crayon |
Cassidy | Christo | Cream |
Cassie | Christopher | Creamy |
Cassius | Chubbs | Crumpet |
Catastrophe | Chubs | Crunchy |
Cat-Cat | Chuckie | Crystal |
Catherine | Chucky | Cubby |
Catkin | Chunky | Cuddles |
Catkins | Churchill | Cuffy |
Catnip | Cinder | Cupcake |
Cato | Cinders | Curly |
Catrina | Cindylou | Custard |
Catwoman | Cinnamon | Cuthbert |
Catzilla | Clancy | Cyclops |
Caviar | Clare | |
Celeb | Clark |