Here is a selection of some cool names for cats which all start with the letter H.
Hagar | Hazel | Hocus |
Hamilton | Hazelnut | Hogan |
Hamlet | Hector | Holly |
Hammy | Heidi | Hollywood |
Hanibal | Hendrix | Homer |
Hank | Henrietta | Honey |
Hannah | Henry | Honeybee |
Hans | Hera | Honeycat |
Hansel | Herbie | Hope |
Happy | Hercules | Horatio |
Harlequin | Hermione | Hotshot |
Harley | Hero | Houdini |
Harold | Hershey | Howie |
Harriet | Hickory | Hubert |
Harrison | Hildegard | Huckleberry |
Harry | Hissyfit | Huey |
Harvey | Hitchcock | Hugo |
Hattie | Hobbit | Humbug |
Hawkeye | Hobgoblin | Humphrey |
Hayden | Hobie | Hunny |
Hayley | Hobo | Hunter |